Thursday, February 27, 2025

Clarifying our understanding of God (the inherently good God who is already answering us before we call for help!), as a world foundation issue

Isaiah 65:24, c. 700 BC, opens up a vision of the power and goodness of God; one that is pivotal for us as we strengthen our understanding of God:

Is 65: 24  Before they call I will answer;
while they are yet speaking I will hear. 

Yes, here we see direct affirmation that our loving, good God already knows and is already answering our challenges before we are sufficiently aware to cry out to him. 

In that context, we need to clarify and reinforce our understanding of God as supreme, inherently good and utterly wise being and creator, not only in response to the needed necessary being source of reality and the classic Euthyphro and problem of evil challenges, but now also open theism. Again, Scribd is a useful repository:

Our concept of God -- classical vs open theism issues by Gemof Thekairosinitiative

In this context, we also need to clarify how eternity as an extradimensional aspect of reality allows us not only to appreciate omnipresence but also how knowledge of the future does not causally force that to be the future, squeezing out rational, responsible freedom:

These are of course hard question issues, but regrettably they have now become far more widespread in an information age. Therefore, they need to be answered in a relatively brief and relatively accessible context. END