Saturday, February 08, 2025

Kingdom Come, will help us rebalance our vision of the Kingdom of God, Messiah, gospel, discipleship, mission and 4R godly reformation in C21

 Kingdom Come (a balancing review of eschatology in light of Kingdom principles), pivots on an often overlooked fact: "the gospel" is the good-news proclamation of the Kingdom of God and of his [risen!] Christ. This has been so from the beginning of Jesus' own ministry:

Mark 1: 14 Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

Where, the Christ is thus inherently a last days/ eschatological/ prophesied (and now fulfilled) figure, implying that this pervades all of Christian life (starting from "repent and believe the gospel"), yes, conversion, discipleship, mission, thought, theology: so, eschatological errors therefore can (and often do) pervade and warp all of our theology and life.  So, too, we need to duly understand the phrase in our Lord's prayer "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," and extend this to our vision of the gospel, the church, mission and discipleship in our world. 

That means, gospel ethics -- doing the will of the ultimately loving, inherently good, utterly wise God (which is good for us!)  -- is inherently part of the gospel: repent, the Kingdom is at hand! 

Yes, indeed, we are called to the 4R's process: repentance > renewal > revival > reformation.

Kingdom_Come Release Sep 24... by Gemof Thekairosinitiative

Let us read, reflect, renew, work towards godly transformation and blessing. END