Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Acts 27 test, 13: JCHS gives a wake-up call . . . "Sex, Lies and Rights" (a must-see video)

The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) has produced a wake-up call video . . . do pardon some distractive blinking:

(Notice, the significance of corruptly redefining what "sex" means, along the lines of George Orwell's 1984 Newspeak. And, Montserrat Legislative Assembly, this is speaking straight to you. Also, ask yourself what could happen to our laws and courts after decades of manipulation of legal education by committed radical secularists with homosexualist and other similar or linked agendas.)

Again, food for thought.

We may not be interested in these issues, but these issues are interested in us, even as some of these things are on the agenda in the name of regional response to HIV/AIDS at the CARICOM meetings in Antigua that are going on as we speak.

A new question is on the table, folks: Will we (as a region) pass the Acts 27 test? (Or, are we set up to fall for the latest waves of manipulated marches of folly . . . ?) END

PS: Bonus vid, Jesus and homosexuality:

(BTW, the very attempt to slice the whole counsel of Scripture apart -- Scriptures endorsed by Jesus on the part of the OT, and authorised by him on the part of the NT -- and implicitly pit Jesus as imaginatively reconstructed against the apostle Paul and the teachings of Moshe is itself profoundly and subtly anti-Christian. So, while this is a needed answer, the underlying assumptions and implications likely to lie behind the question are themselves loaded and deeply questionable. They, too, need to be challenged.)

PPS: Remember, cf. here on "my genes made me do it." 

PPPS: Notice, too, there is an attempt to pretend that "homosexual" is an offensive term, and to substitute a loaded alternative for male homosexuality, "men who have SEX with men." Of course, "sex" is short for sexual intercourse, which specifically and properly means the procreative act of marriage. So, what is going on here is an attempt to smuggle in unnatural, typically insanitary, sometimes medically damaging and disease spreading acts intended to achieve sexual pleasure -- such as buggery --  into our understanding of sexual intercourse. Yet another bit of cynical, agenda driven manipulation. Let us beware.