Let us listen to this Rabbi (HT: reader M), author of the book on judgement of America, on The Harbinger.
Notice his introduction, where he says plainly that he:
Notice his introduction, where he says plainly that he:
". . . will not be politically correct, but neither will it be political, instead it will be Biblical, it will be true ... I will not hold back.... and if I offend you, I apologize that I will not apologize for offending you."Video (updated link, sorry -- lost second time, updated from Vimeo this time):
A Message to America Jonathan Cahn Addresses The Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast from Enoch7th on Vimeo.
[NB: An earlier link was reclassified "private" across Sunday. There is some hint that the presidential seal is being objected to. THIS COPY HAS REMOVED THE SEAL. After that, the second link lasted to Thursday and was "removed by the user," and we are on no 3 now. The seal at the end is NOT the US Presidential seal.]
Notice his key remark: without repentance, there is no revival. So, let us remind ourselves of the four R's of revival and reformation:
A clear and strong warning. END