Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Matt 24 Watch, 133: Sunday, September 11, 2011 is the tenth Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks

Sunday, September 11, 2011 is the tenth Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. 

Most of us still can remember what we were doing that morning when the news of an aircraft crashing into one of the World Trade Center towers reached us. In my case, my wife called while I was at my desk, and I guessed -- since, in World War II, a bomber had accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building -- it was an accident. Then, maybe half an hour later, she called back to say an aircraft had crashed into the SECOND tower.

My reply:

"That's Bin Laden!"

And so, it turned out to be, triggering a decade of low-grade global war that with Iran now at nuclear threshold, threatens to go nuclear.

We have much to learn from what happened over the past ten years, but many of us are not ready and cannot bear that yet. Besides, there is a more important focus, prayer.

I think all churches in the Caribbean with the capacity should show the following short video this week end, or a similar one; and should then go into a time of intercession for the Muslim peoples of our world, the other peoples of the world, and our own civilisation; that we would stop, pause, and listen afresh to the Prince of Peace, our Lord and Risen Saviour, risen with Healing in his wings.

Here is the download page for the video, courtesy the Zwemer Center of Columbia International University. It is playable here:


In addition, we are usually woefully ill-equipped to respond to clever and cutting Islamic rhetorical challenges to the gospel, much less reach out to Muslims with the good news that would give them hope. 

So, I wish to highlight a cluster of resources here, here, here, here, here and here, on understanding and responding to the Islamic challenge in the Caribbean and the wider world beyond. I also think this presentation on the clashing sons of Abraham, will be helpful (it also includes some balancing remarks on the modern history of Israel).

Finally, I think we all need to reflect on how we can best respond to the worldviews and cultural agenda challenges we face in our region and as a wider civilisation, so this presentation and this course unit will help.

In the immortal words of the heroic Flight 93 passenger, Todd Beamer, "Let's Roll!" END

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