For thousands of years, our civilisation has been haunted by: what is knowledge, and how can we be certain that we know something is true? For sixty years now, Gettier cases have meant we need something like Plantinga's "warrant." For we may be subjectively justified to believe what is actually so, but effectively by accident. Likewise, we must answer the corrosive acid doubt of hyperskepticism. Accordingly, here, we explore knowledge vs hyperskepticism and point to knowledge of God.
Here, we first explore knowledge and warrant:
Epistemological Method by Gemof Thekairosinitiative
Second, let us explore logic as method, highlighting first principles and duties of responsible reason:
Logic as Method by Gemof Thekairosinitiative
In this context, critical, foundational cracks in a system of thought are often pivotal, so, thirdly:
Cracks as Method by Gemof Thekairosinitiative
These now build on the method of comparative difficulties we already explored, and open the way to onward rethinking on a sounder foundation. END
PS: IEP on fallacies, gives a useful supplement. SEP has a more focused article, highlighting 18 key fallacies, here.