Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Moving On (this is now an echo)

 I am moving on, with primary online commentary at KingsChat, as Kairosfocus2; this is now an echo channel (parallel to Telegram), and this is a test as to whether I am subject to further censorship. Obviously, Google is untrustworthy.

Echo no 1 follows:


Moving on (After Google Censorship)

GEM/TKI in KC, June 5, 2024

Today, June 5th is the eightieth anniversary of the intended D-Day invasion of Normandy, France, that opened the way – at great cost – for a fresh birth of freedom in Europe. But, storms intervened, and had the invasion been postponed to the next suitable Moon phase, June 19th, it would have been caught in an even worse storm. However, on advice that there was a window in the weather, General Dwight Eisenhower launched the invasion on the morrow, June 6th 1944; the date that has gone down in history as a date for what Lincoln spoke of in his Gettysburg Address as “a new birth of freedom.”
Something, we need from time to time, never mind the hazards and bitter costs in blood, tears and treasure. For, lawless, domineering oligarchy is the natural state of government and the cultural buttresses of lawful liberty under God ever need strengthening.

Today, too, some six months since Google censored me on a false, vague accusation of hate speech [Contrast Governor Festus on canons of natural justice in Acts 25:16], I am moving on. Not least, as recently the Anglican Bishop of Barbados sounded the alarm there, regarding the advance of radical secularism and denial of the manifest reality of God. A trend that is also strongly evident in Jamaica and doubtless everywhere across this region, the Caribbean. A trend that needs to be decisively countered, as evolutionary materialistic scientism (= modern, lab coat clad Atheism) and fellow travellers corrode the roots of reason and moral government alike, breaking down the cultural buttresses of lawful liberty.

But, atheists are intelligent, upright, decent people; everybody knows that!

Actually, the real course of history since the Jacobins of 1789 in France tells a significantly different story, one we need to heed. For, an enduring lesson of sound history (bought with blood, toil, tears and treasure), is that to neglect or distort the lessons of history dooms us to pay in the same coin over and over and over again. So, yes, while modern atheists are often intelligent and morally guided, that is because they reflect the built in rational, conscience-guided responsible freedom built into us by our Creator, Lord and Ultimate Judge, not the premises or implications of their worldview. Hence, the breakdown of credibility.

Let me outline in brief.

1: Scientism tries to reduce serious knowledge to “science,” but fails to understand that the study of what is well warranted knowledge is an epistemological question, i.e. philosophy.

2: Likewise, though there are attempts to relabel it as “formal science,” Mathematics is actually a different extension from philosophy, the study of the logic of structure and quantity. (And yes, Science grew from philosophical roots, Physics used to be Natural Philosophy, Biology Natural History etc.)

3: So, no, the Physical, Biological and other sciences do not monopolise knowledge, or even “serious” knowledge. Philosophy, Mathematics, History, Theology, Law and Government, Economics, Policy/Politics and many other disciplines are credible. So is what Thomas Reid and others highlighted as Common Sense.

4: Indeed, for any reasonably identifiable domain of study, K, the claim that there is no objective knowledge in K, ~k, is about and properly belongs to K. So, ~k, which is obviously intended to be a warranted objective knowledge claim, contradicts itself. So, freely, ~[~k] = k. Any domain K has knowable objective truth, starting with this. We may know little beyond k in K, but that is itself knowledge.

5: In short, global hyperskepticism and selective hyperskepticism targetting topics skeptics would marginalise and dismiss, are shattered. So, too, are associated radical subjectivism, relativism and emotivism. (And, yes, these and linked considerations are in the heart of what Google so ill-advisedly censored.)

6: We may now turn to evolutionary materialism, the doctrine that reality is the product of blind chance and mechanical necessity driven evolution, from hydrogen to humans. Cosmological, chemical, biological (Macro), cultural. All, in a reality comprising ever evolving matter, energy, spacetime and ultimately blind interactions.

7: The fatal step, here, is the implication that mind reduces to brain, a wetware electrochemical neural network computational substrate. For, GIGO.

8: That is, garbage in, garbage out (blindly). For, no computer is free enough to be rational, as C S Lewis highlighted nearly seventy years ago (and as Haldane spelled out ninety years past now). That is, computation is a blindly mechanical cause-effect chain, depending for success on the organisation, programming and information fed in by designers. (And, we are told on bitter experience, that no sufficiently complex program – much less, hardware – is fully debugged; indeed debugging one error may cause others.)

9: That is, further, these atheists have undercut their own rationality.

10: So, when a Freud points to our potty training, or a Marx to our class conditioning, or a Skinner to operant conditioning, etc., we simply, freely retort: what about yours?

11: Likewise, the IS-OUGHT Gap can only be bridged in the root of reality, and evolutionary materialistic scientism has in it no IS that can soundly bridge to ought. So, it too often dresses up in the lab coat, exploits the prestige of science, and smuggles in some new form of lawless dominering oligarchy by the back door. (Recent cases in point, are legion.)

12: Again, instead, we find just one serious candidate reality root that successfully bridges is and ought, grounding rational, conscience guarded responsible freedom. Namely, the inherently good, utterly wise Creator God, a necessary (so eternal and fabric to any possible world), maximally great (so supreme) being. One, worthy of fealty and of our rational, responsible service of doing the good that accords with our evident nature.

So, we here define a start-point for counter-culture, warranted analysis and for fresh knowledge pointing to urgently needed Eph 4:17 – 24 reformation.

Our onward task, DV. END