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Current US President Mr Donald Trump |
Now, too, in the Caribbean, it is fair comment to observe that political punditry, the media, our chattering classes, the degreed, the political advisor classes and power brokers generally reflect that saying in a narrowed sense: our views on American affairs (and thus on global views) typically simply reflect those of the US Congressional Black Caucus. Where, those views as a rule simply reflect the progressivist, cultural marxist agendas that are afoot, and accompanying agit-prop and lawfare.
All of these remarks already imply that I fear that our predominant view of American matters and wider world affairs exhibit imbalances and want of objectivity and independence.
Yes, after all, I have gone on record about the straight or spin test:
And yes, I am saying that we the educated and credentialled, influential classes of the region are clearly dangerously out of balance.
This becomes directly relevant when it comes to our perceptions of Mr Trump, current resident in chief at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Yes, yes, I don't particularly like him or his manners and style.
Yes, yes, he has obviously had a nasty track record of womanising, is obviously foul-mouthed [he is a contractor on billion-dollar steroids], is of an age [seventy-plus] where racist leanings are to be presumed, and much more.
However, we need to come to a more balanced appreciation for the new breed of political animal he represents, or we may well find ourselves in the position of grand dinosaurs mocking the mammals scurrying about underfoot. With a couple of asteroids a-coming that threaten to inundate our region in tidal waves. (Maybe, my tense is wrong, the impacts have happened and waves have begun to pound our shores.)
I suspect, we would be well advised to remind ourselves on the geostrategic peril of our time before we go on to reflect on a perspective from a noted US observer who has some sobering words:
Okay, duly sobered up, let us now ponder a few clips from Col. Victor Davis Hanson in a current opinion piece (one we would all do well to read in full, reflect on and re-read several times):
Radioactive Trump
These are already a stunning indictment from someone who is a significant strategic thinker in his own right.
The focus now shifts to wider themes.
Some of which, echo uncomfortably in a region that is arguably feeling the destructive half of Schumpeter's creative destruction as the technical base of the global economy palpably shifts beneath our feet:
Hanson is not finished:
Something similar happened abroad. Most of the world’s signature establishment institutions beneath the veneer of their polite nomenclature and mannered protocols were ethically, or at least administratively, compromised. The United Nations often proved itself to be an anti-American, anti-Western, anti-Semitic, and anti-democratic organization, masquerading in tony Manhattan as the voice of global morality, subsidized by the American hosts it routinely attacked. The European Union was evolving into an anti-democratic statist project warped by German mercantilism and German cultural and political dominance on matters of finance, immigration, and foreign policy that brooked no dissent. Postwar NATO members had mostly ignored their commitment to spend 2 percent of their respective GDP on defense to share the burdens of defending Europe more equitably. Europeans had come to assume that protecting Europe was more important to Americans than it was to Europeans. The point is not that these heralded institutions are unnecessary or incapable of reform. Rather, to change they often need the sort of toxic criticism that Trump levels because they have consistently ignored more polite and diplomatic badgering from world leaders.He has much more to say, but that is a good starter.
Maybe, just maybe, we need to change our approach? As in, do we face:
Let us at least take a few moments to ponder. END