Saturday, September 10, 2016

Matt 24 watch, 296: "Complacency Day" -- Sept 10, 2001 + 15 years today . . .

Yes, today marks fifteen years since the day before 9/11 attacks shattered the complacency that opened doors to the 9/11 attacks. 

As a measure of continued complacency, let us notice how our media have not even bothered to inform us of what day-less-one, Sept 11, 2001 was the 318th anniversary of -- the day before the Polish King Jan Sobieski III led the greatest cavalry charge in history and broke the siege of Vienna by the Ottoman Turks under their Caliph. 

Yes, Sept 11, 1683 was the previous high water mark of the IslamIST thrust to global conquest.

I therefore beg to remind us all of the chart I found online on Sept 11, 2001, which tells us what we are up against:

Yes, as the lower RH corner inset map shows, we are up against a 100 year global subjugation strategy of the Islamic Radicals. This was documented in the 1982 Muslim brotherhood document, The Project (captured by Swiss Financial Police after 9/11) and we have further documentation of the Settlement-/ Civilisation- Jihad strategy in the Explanatory Memorandum (captured by US Police on searching a house of an IslamIST leader) from the US Branch of the Egyptian Parent organisation of the same Muslim Brotherhood. (English text for both begins p. 15.)

Mix in other concerns and the rise again of the Persian Empire, and we see the geostrategic challenges we face:

Our challenge is to respond appropriately to our times, based on sober understanding rather than media fantasies fed to us by the spin doctors. END

PS: Sky News coverage on 9/11-01:

 PPS: Nor, should we overlook the relevance of the Benghazi attacks on Sept 11, 2012 [cf article here and transcript with video here], two months before the last US Presidential Election and on the anniversary of the 9/11-01 attacks. Especially, how news and media discussion regarding this attack were managed. Cf video as linked.