Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Proposed Kairos Initiative

About Kairos

The Kairos Initiative is a resource base for the church and people of the Caribbean as we become increasingly aware of our desperate need for renewal, reformation, transformation and blessing under God.

Thus, Kairos will seek to provides Bible-based, cutting-edge analytical, strategic, training, and technical operational services in support of the church and people of the Caribbean as we all work together, under God, towards building a better future for our region and the wider world beyond.


The Kairos Initiative is driven by the biblical, Apostolic insight that God so controls our history that, through the crises triggered by our sin and folly, we become open to new beginnings, as we grasp for a way forward, however blindly. [Cf. Acts 17:24 - 27.] Arising from such a clash between a dying past and a future yet to be born, there is hope under God for a way to a better future.

For, in our day, the Caribbean (and much of the wider world) is in kairos -- the crisis-driven nexus of opportunity and risk -- so the peoples of the Caribbean are ever more aware that there must be a better way, there must be an alternative.

As a result, our region's peoples are groping for God in the midst of crisis, and are increasingly ready to understand the life- and community- transforming power of the gospel.

Then, as we respond to the Gospel, through the spiritual transformation of the new birth and godly discipleship, the Caribbean's peoples can begin to see a new vision for the future; and can create a foundation for new leadership that can help the region (and the wider world) find a way towards a brighter tomorrow.


The Kairos Initiative therefore seeks to help the church and wider community as we work together to build a new vision, a better strategy and a new generation of godly leaders for the Caribbean -- one that is able and ready to lead us through the further crises ahead into a new era of godly reformation tied to associated sound and sustainable development, under the blessing of God.

In that pursuit, Kairos will work with the church and wider community in (and beyond) the Caribbean, as we jointly respond to the following identified needs:

Prophetic, biblical, strategic analysis of the past and present situation in our region, towards taking and implementing ethically and operationally sound development decisions and directions. Thus, under God, the Caribbean may find a path to truly sustainable, God-blessed development. For, "except the Lord build the house, its builders labour in vain."

The associated renewal of the Caribbean Church’s vision and focus, through the fullness of Christ theme of Ephesians 4:9 – 24. For, Christ came, descending and ascending, in order to fill – thus transform and bless – all things.

Support for training and equipping disciples in light of this Christocentric fullness vision, so that God’s people may consolidate their commitment to Christ, his church and his mission; and that we may be prepared for effective service and high-integrity leadership in the home, church and wider community.

Providing a base for the development of a David Generation of breakthrough leaders, who, under God, will overcome Goliaths and help the people of the region move on beyond tragically failed leadership.

Supporting the church and community institutions as the region seeks to enhance its capacity for the effective and efficient identification, development, implementation, management, and evaluation of strategic renewal, reformation and development projects and programmes.

Helping the Caribbean church rise to the global missionary challenge of Eph 1:22 – 23, and 2:8 - 10: “the church . . . is [Christ’s] body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way . . . . we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Goals & Strategies

To give an operational focus for such efforts, God willing [James 4:13 - 17], Kairos will seek to work with God's people across the Caribbean and beyond, to achieve the following in the three to five year period, 2003 to 2006 - 2008:

Creation, maintenance and widespread promotion of an effective, Christocentric fullness vision-driven, web-based strategic information resource for the Caribbean Church; to address the issues involved in helping the Caribbean church as it provides sound, godly, biblical, prophetic intellectual and cultural leadership in the Caribbean in the 21st Century.

Provision through this online resource and associated dialogue and training initiatives, of biblically sound, well-informed strategic analysis, perspectives, training materials and current information that will be helpful to the church and the wider region, in support of godly reformation, transformation and blessing.

Collaborative development and promotion of a cluster of discipleship-, missions-, revival-, renewal- and reformation- oriented networks and alliances across the region; towards the synthesis of an overarching integrated strategy for the reformation of the region, and the parallel development and deployment of a Caribbean Missions force under the church's global evangelisation mandate.

Cooperation with this cluster of networks and alliances in identifying and implementing strategic projects, consultancies and programmes that promote the Christocentric reformation of the Caribbean and the associated sound and sustainable development of the region, its communities, its churches, its institutions, its businesses, its schools and colleges, and generally.

Associated with this, the collaborative creation of a web-based "School Without Walls"tasked to develop and implement a regionally delivered series of discipleship-, skill-building- and reformation- oriented short courses for equipping Caribbean Christians (and others) through an articulated training scheme under the Christocentric fullness theme.

People and Networks

No one person or group is capable of undertaking the analuysis, strategising, planning and scale and scope of operations required to carry forward the above regional reformation agenda. And yet, a reformation agenda is clearly vital to the building of a Caribbean future that is worth having.

Accordingly, Kairos invites individuals, groups, alliances and networks with an interest in such a programme of reformation-oriented prophetic intellectual and cultural leadership to join together as outlined above.

As a point of contact, you may wish to communicate as follows:

Email: kairosfocus@yahoo.co.uk
eGroup: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/caribbeankairos/

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